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American distance learning degree

The European Institute of Technology is organized in a manner similar to that of American and British universities, which operate mainly on the basis of the so-called "Distance Learning" method of education. While seminars and lectures are part of the traditional or "Class-room" method, Distance Learning Program, is a program that has among its goals to implement a new model of learning, designed to give each student an opportunity to complete various courses and pass exams, while studying at home at a pace more suited to the student's availability. The tutorial system will monitor and balance his or her learning and teaching experience through guidance necessary to arrive at an understanding of the subject studied.

What is the "Distance Learning University"

Unlike the residential, traditional university system commonly found in Italy, the system defined as "Distance Learning University " is a system that adopts innovative training methodologies in which students interact and communicate with the University using various technical means called "media." The communication interface with the American Universities we work with is through "media," both modern and traditional such as: telephone, fax, e-mail, computers, etc. "Tutors" constantly follow each student, either directly or through seminars. The role of the traditional classroom lecture is reduced to the indispensable situations, deepening and controlling learning. The ideal study systems for the professional The teaching-science activity adopts innovative ways of training by developing particular strategies for various degrees. According to the type of program or degree course, a different learning pathway and pedagogical methodology is agreed upon in which professionalism, rightly valued, is held in high regard. New teaching concepts allow for learning that is distributed over time and sure to succeed, so degree candidates, participate in a program of study according to their available time and skills. Faculties in the humanities, business, and social sciences make almost total use of distance learning. The proposed learning, is an active process in which one can the method of study, determining the time and pace that best meets the needs and enable one to arrive at the American degree at a distance. It is, therefore, the best opportunity for those who are professionally active and those who had to drop out of school.

Admission, duration and attainment of required "credits".

The minimum Italian qualification for enrollment in the first American university level, that is, the Bachelor Degree, is the possession of a high school diploma. On the other hand, those who possess a university diploma or Bachelor's Degree can enroll in the Master's Degree or Doctor's Degree of American universities with the possibility of taking advantage of credits and special reductions in studies in the case of high business experience in management sectors. It is possible to enroll from any Italian region. A special remote "Tutorial Assistant" service ensures learning. There are a number of possible ways to obtain the acquisition of "credits," the fundamentals being: 1st By normally taking classroom or distance learning courses. 2° By transferring grades from university exams taken in Italy or abroad. 3° By crediting scores for special, corporate, para-university or regional courses. 4th By evaluating professional experience in relation to prestigious position acquired, projects and publications. All examinations are taken in Italian; docimological judgments are the sole responsibility of the American University at which the students are enrolled. When the candidate has completed the program, he/she will officially receive the Degree in original from the American University, coming directly from the same university, with the Transcript of the exams taken and grades. A certificate of authentication (Apostille) and endorsement issued by the appropriate government office will be provided upon request.

For more information you can contact the secretary's office.

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