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Staff & Management
Architects of education


Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Sociological Sciences
Faculty of Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Religious Studies
Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Film and Entertainment Science and Technology: Your Stage for Innovation
Faculty of Cultural Heritage
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology
Faculty of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Criminological and Security Sciences
Faculty of engineering management
Faculty of Anthropological Sciences
Faculty of Holistic Science
Faculty of Fashion and Luxury Disciplines
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty of Strategic Defense and Security Sciences
Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Sociological Sciences
Faculty of Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Religious Studies
Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Film and Entertainment Science and Technology: Your Stage for Innovation
Faculty of Cultural Heritage
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology
Faculty of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Criminological and Security Sciences
Faculty of engineering management
Faculty of Anthropological Sciences
Faculty of Holistic Science
Faculty of Fashion and Luxury Disciplines
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty of Strategic Defense and Security Sciences


Not sure which path is best for you? Let us guide you. HETG orientation is designed to help you discover and better understand your academic options.

Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Sociological Sciences
Faculty of Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Religious Studies
Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Film and Entertainment Science and Technology: Your Stage for Innovation
Faculty of Cultural Heritage
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology
Faculty of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Criminological and Security Sciences
Faculty of engineering management
Faculty of Anthropological Sciences
Faculty of Holistic Science
Faculty of Fashion and Luxury Disciplines
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty of Strategic Defense and Security Sciences
Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Sociological Sciences
Faculty of Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Religious Studies
Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Film and Entertainment Science and Technology: Your Stage for Innovation
Faculty of Cultural Heritage
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology
Faculty of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Criminological and Security Sciences
Faculty of engineering management
Faculty of Anthropological Sciences
Faculty of Holistic Science
Faculty of Fashion and Luxury Disciplines
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty of Strategic Defense and Security Sciences


The secretariat

Faculty Deans

Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities
Faculty of Anthropological Sciences
Faculty of Holistic Science
Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of engineering management
Faculty of Political Science
Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Faculty of Sociological Sciences
Faculty of Criminological and Security Sciences
Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Faculty of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Strategic Defense and Security Sciences
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Fashion and Luxury Disciplines


Teacher of Archaeology
Teacher of International Mediation and Arbitration
Teacher of Childhood Pedagogy
Teacher of Sports Law
Teacher of Holistic Sciences
Teacher of Mathematics
Teacher of Philosophy
Teacher of Business Science
Teacher of Information Security
Freelance Lecturer
Teacher of Legal Sciences
Teacher of Holistic Sciences
Teacher of International Relations
Teacher of Legal Sciences
Teacher of Communication
Teacher of Legal Sciences
Teacher in Science of Administration
Teacher of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Teacher of Circular Economy
Teacher of Criminological Science
Teacher of Teaching Methodology and Didactics
Teacher of Animal Ethology and Welfare
Teacher of Risk Management
Teacher of New Media Languages
Teacher of Electronic Engineering
Teacher of Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
Teacher of Humanities
Teacher in Criminology
International Business Law Teacher
Teacher of Biology
Teacher of GRC and ISO Management Systems
Teacher of Economics
Teacher of Psychology
Teacher of Psychology
Hypnosis and Mesmerism
Teacher of Special Pedagogy
Teacher of Cinematography
Teacher of Corporate Strategy
Teacher of Computer Science
Teacher of Compliance
Teacher of Historical-Religious Disciplines
Teacher of International Relations
Teacher of Legal Sciences
Teacher in General and Social Pedagogy
Teacher of International Relations
Teacher in Pedagogy of Communication
Teacher of Developmental Psychology
Teacher of Business Management
Teacher of Occupational Prevention and Safety
Teacher of Privacy and Personal Data Protection

In today's rapidly changing world, continuous learning is the key to staying abreast of innovations and emerging trends.


That's why HETG created the Academy: an exclusive selection of specialized courses designed to give you the skills most in demand in today's job market. Each Academy course has been curated by industry experts and designed to provide a flexible and in-depth learning experience. And the best part? No admission is necessary. You are free to explore and purchase courses that meet your needs and interests, studying at your own pace, in the comfort of your home or wherever you choose. Whether you are a professional seeking to your skills, passionate about a particular subject, or simply curious about exploring new horizons, HETG's Academy offers you the opportunity to grow and thrive. Immerse yourself in a world of barrier-free knowledge and begin your specialty journey today.

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