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Prof. Caterina Spezzano

Roles: Teacher of Developmental Psychology


Academic qualifications

Professional Titles

Professional Experiences



- President of Commission Extraordinary Competition Primary DM 17/10/2018.

II Primary Commission support D. Director USR Lazio Prot. no. 23 of 18/01/2019.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 95 of February 6, 2019. Chairman Evaluation Commission FAMI 1366 MICSE "Advanced and refresher courses in European and Intercultural Mediators".

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 444 of 02/04/2019 President Commission Notice no. 1238 of 22/03/2019 (Infinite Leopardi Celebration).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 442 of 02/04/2019 President Commission Notice no. 915 of 04/03/2019 (School pole Sport).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 329 of March 20, 2019. President Commission evaluation Projects Notice No. 809 of 26-2-2019 (Culture of Hospitality).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 530 of 15/04/2019 Component Evaluation Commission Projects Notice Prot. no. 1407 of 03-04-2019 (Commemoration Stragi Capaci and Via D'Amelio).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 648 of 09/04/2019 President Commission Notice no. 1444 of 05/04/2019 (Culture of legality).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 539 of 16/04/2019. President Commission evaluation Projects Notice No. 377 of 27/03/2019 (Road education).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 62 of January 24, 2019. Commission for evaluation of national competition "February 10".

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 666 of May 14, 2019. Chairman Evaluation Committee Notice No. 375 of 27-3-2019 (Discomfort. Bullying and cyberbullying).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 900 of June 12, 2019. Chairman Evaluation Commission Notice No. 736 of 20-5-2019 (Student Card - Io Studio).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 885 of May 31, 2018 - MIUR Working Group - Esuli Istriani, Fiumani e Dalmati.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 282 of March 5, 2018. Scientific Technical Committee for the evaluation "The End of the Great War and the Eastern Border."

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 566 of April 10, 2018. Evaluation Competition "Let's Make 17 Goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."

- School Pastoral Working Group. Appointment Uciim National Prot. 171 - A/14 of May 20, 2018.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1364 of October 5, 2018 Working Group on Linguistic Minorities.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1738 of November 29, 2018. FAMI 1597 project evaluation commission.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 135 of February 8, 2018 Evaluation Commission Notice no. 55/2018 (Identification of 3 Service Learning Pole Schools).

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 481 of May 25, 2017. MIUR - CEI Working Group.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1388 of December 6, 2017. Service Learning Olympiad Evaluation Committee.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1453 of December 15, 2017. MIUR Ventoteneuropa Joint Committee for the promotion of global, active, supportive citizenship.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 200 of March 24, 2017 - Evaluation Committee for the national competition "One, None and One Hundred Thousand".

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 327 of April 19, 2017 Technical and Scientific Committee Olympiad si service Learning.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 384 of May 4, 2017 - Jury evaluation Competition "Let's make 17goal: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

- Departmental Decree Prot. No. 1361 of December 13, 2016. Coordinating Committee for the implementation of the MIUR-ASviS Memorandum of Understanding. Alliance for Sustainable Development.

- Decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research Prot. no. 922 of November 11, 2016. Earthquake Task Force.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1109 of November 3, 2016 - MIUR-Grimaldi Joint Committee.

- Departmental Decree Prot. no. 1044 of October 12, 2016. Evaluation Committee "Didactics: teaching for school-to-work alternation."

- Departmental Decree Prot. No. 944 of September 13, 2016 Working Group for the coordination of the Service Learning teaching approach in three regions: Calabria, Lombardy,


- Directorial Decree Prot. no. 3 of 12/01/2016 Technical Scientific Committee for Robotics Olympiad.

- Directorial Decree Prot. No. 2 of 12/01/2016: Technical Scientific Committee Competition "February 10".

- Directorial Decree Prot. No. 1415 of 17/12/2015 Technical Scientific Committee Problem Solving Olympiad.

- Directorial Decree Prot. No. 1372 of 11/12/2015: Inter-Ministerial Committee for the evaluation of projects related to the national call for proposals "Educational projects in museums, sites of archaeological, historical, cultural interest or scientific cultural institutions.

- Directorial Decree Prot. No. 1081 of 20/10/2015: Commission for the evaluation of projects for the allocation of funding related to the organizations of "Summer Schools" for excellence.

- Directorial Decree Prot. No. 1147 of 02/11/2015: Commission for the selection of schools participating in the national event "Job&Orienta"

- Member of the UCIIM (Catholic Professional Association of Teachers, Managers and Trainers, recognized by MIUR as a qualified subject for the

training of school personnel, according to dl D.M. 5/7/2005 - prot. 1229) Prot. 353 of October 12, 2015.

- Decree Director General DGOVSNI Prot. no.700 of July 9, 2015. Linguistic minorities.

- Decree General Director of School Regulations 2014.Technical-Scientific Committee.

Evaluation of papers "The Great War and the irredent lands of the Eastern Adriatic in the memory of Italians"

- Decree of the Director General of School Regulations Prot. no. 274 of January 14, 2014.Technical-Scientific Committee "Italian literature in Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia"

- Decree Director General School Regulations Prot. no. 1290 of February 20, 2014.Technical-Scientific Committee "Newdesign"

- Expert National Council UCIIM Prot. 2014.

- Decree Director General Ordinamenti scolastici Prot. no. 6203 of November 18, 2013. Miur - Assovetro Joint Committee.

- Decree General Director of School Regulations Prot. 5549 of October 15, 2013. Miur Joint Committee - Biblia.

- Touring Club Italia Scientific Committee for innovation, development of research and analysis at the national level on issues of interest. A.S. 2012-2013.

- Scientific Committee My Book Project" - D.D. Fucecchio (FI). Content adaptation from paper text to digital. A.S. 2012-2013.

- Decree General Director of School Regulations Prot n 279 of January 22, 2013.Technical-Scientific Committee evaluation of entries Competition "Culture and material life between the land and the eastern Adriatic sea: crafts and their imprint in the figurative arts and literature"

- Component National Planning Commission UCIIM - Prot. 2013

- Decree General Director of School Regulations dated 31/1/2012. Scientific Committee "Aspects of the geographical and historical territory of the Eastern Adriatic" -.

- Decree General Director of School Regulations Prot. no. 6469 of 10 October 2012.Technical-Scientific Committee NewDesign"

- Decree General Director of School Regulations of May 30, 2012.Technical-Scientific Committee "The Sense of Biodiversity".

- Decree Director General of School Regulations March 20, 2012. Joint Committee Onlus Foundation "Cusani".

- Decree General Director of School Regulations April 5, 2012. "Italian Olympiad" - Executive Committee.

- Decree Director General DG for Students, Integration, Participation and Communication of February 18, 2011. MIUR-WWF Joint Committee.

- "The 'Road Education in Schools - Guidelines" - Decree Director General of School Regulations of May 23, 2011.

- Decree General Director of School Regulations of July 28, 2011 - Models of Certification of Competencies I cycle"

- Decree General Director of School Regulations of May 30, 2011. "Italian Language Olympiad" - Executive Committee.

- Director General of School Regulations of 2/2/2011 "Lands, people, tradition and culture of the Eastern Adriatic" - Scientific Committee Decree.

- Decree Director General of Scholastic Regulations of 3/21/2011 "NewDesignduemilaundici" for the evaluation of projects received in relation to the Call for Proposals.

- Decree Director General of School Regulations dated 3/31/2010.

NewDesignduemiladieci" for the evaluation of projects Call for Projects.

- Decree Director General of School Regulations of 10/3/2010. National Commission for the evaluation of entries received in connection with the Call for Projects "Italian between art, science and technology".

- Decree General Director of School Regulations of 17/ 12/2008 - Friend Book.

- Decree Director General of School Regulations Prot. No. 11816 of 12/11/2008 - Problem Solving Olympiad: preparation and evaluation of tests. Scientific Committee.

- Decree Director General of School Regulations of 17/09/2008 - First Cycle Computer Science Competitions.

- Coordinator Regional Seminars for the dissemination of the history of the Italian eastern border: Bergamo, Osimo, Borgia (CZ).

- Member of evaluation jury Cominelli Prize for contemporary jewelry. Cesano di S. felice del Benaco (BS), August 25, 2018

- Coordinator and chairman Seminar "The Events of the Eastern Border and the World of Schools. The end of the Great War and the eastern border." Gorizia, April 12 - 14, 2018

- Coordinator and chairman Seminar "The events of the eastern border and the school world. Birth of the Italian Republic without a border." MIUR Conference Hall Rome, December 6, 2016.

- Radio 3 ProGrammar Day. Collaboration for the realization of October 19, 2016.

- Coordinator Exhibition "NewDesign 2016" at the Arsenale de La Biennale di Venezia. October 2016.

- Coordinator National conference on art education. Ca' Giustinian Palace Venice, October 19, 2016.

- Coordinator and chairman Conference "NewDesignBook: designing a book - the book for the project" - Turin Book Fair, May 13, 2016.

- Coordinator Working Groups - UCIIM - MIUR Training Seminar "PEER TAKE ACTION. National plan for the enhancement and promotion of peer-education and Life Skills to combat and combat Bullying" - Rome, November 19-202015.

- Referent DG Ordinamenti at the Coordination Table Presidency of the Council of Ministers "Esuli istriani, fiumani e Dalmati" AA.SS. 2013/2014 - 2014/2015 - 2015/2016

- Contact person DG School Regulations at the Working Group "Educators and re-educators of the graphic gesture" UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione AA.SS. 2013/2014 - 2014/2015 - 2015/2016.

- Coordinator Project "Sounds and Professions" AA.SS. 2013/2014 - 2014/2015 - 2015/2016.

- Coordinator Exhibition "NewDesign" - AA.SS. 2009-2015.

- Coordinator Regional Referrals: "Mathematical Days". A.S. 2012-2013.

- Design and coordination of Working Group: Emotion, motivation cognition in everyday teaching: "Emoticon 2, South" - "Emoticon North" 2009/2010 - 2010/2011 - 2011/2012.

- "School on the Table: the Unification of Italy on the Plate and in the Glass." Coordination activities Event and Conference. Stresa, May 26, 2012.

- International Conference "Designing the Future with Ancient Intelligence" - Turin-Ivrea, April 12/14, 2012 Organizing scientific secretariat.

- Data coordinator for the Project "Problem Posing&Solving" a.s. 2011- 2012.

- Moderator of the forum "Cystic Fibrosis" 2009 - 2011.

- Moderator of the "Sustainability Issues" forum 2009 - 2011.

- Management of the following platforms:

"Bibliorete21" A.S. 2011 - 2012

"Study method and critical thinking" - AA.SS. 2010-2012

"The Problem Solving Olympiad" - AA.SS. 2009-2016

"The Italian Language Olympiad" - AA.SS. 2010-2012

"NewDesign" AA.SS. 2012-2016

- Technical Group for the evaluation of Experimentation Projects for the activation of international school pathways at an educational institution in Brindisi. Decree Director of School Regulations Prot. 248 of January 18, 2013.

- Working Group "GlassTellers" - Evaluation design Competition Assovetro - Milan, May 9, 2013.

- Working group "Pandolfo-Roscioli" competition a.s. 2012-2013.

- Working Group for the reorganization of the website of the General Directorate for School Regulations and School Autonomy. Director Decree School Regulations 2012.

- "The Daily Glass" working group - Evaluation design competition Assovetro - Rome, May 16, 2012.

- "The Daily Glass" working group - Evaluation design Assovetro Competition - Milan, May 10, 2011.

- "The Daily Glass" Working Group - Design evaluation Assovetro Competition 2010 - Milan, May 2, 2010.

- Working Group "Study Method and Critical Skills" - Decree General Director of School Regulations, dated 5/30/2011.

- Working Group "The sky as a laboratory - Astronomy at school" - Director General Decree of School Regulations dated 9/23/2011.

- Working Group "A Network of School Libraries for the Key Competencies of the 20th Century" with coordination function - Director General Decree of School Regulations dated 7/27/2011.

- Awarded the title of Knight of Merit of the Republic by Presidential Decree of 02/06/2015.

- "National Quality and Merit Project (PQM)" PQM North Contact Person. Department for Planning Decree No. 13 of 5/11/2010.

- Working Group "Associations of Istrian, Fiuman and Dalmatian Exiles". Decree Director General of School Regulations dated 10/26/2009.

- Working Group "Design" - Decree Director General of School Regulations of 22/7/2009.

- Technical Group with tasks of support, advice, proposal and direction regarding the implementation of the contents and ordinamental profiles of the I Cycle of Education - Decree Department of Education No. 13 of 17/02/ 2009.

- Working Group "Didactics of Science" for particularly innovative projects proposed by teachers of schools of the first cycle - 2009.

- Working Group "Didactics of Science" for particularly innovative projects proposed by teachers of first cycle schools - 2008.

- Coordination of the Working Group of the Joint Committee Memorandum of Understanding MIUR - WWF 2008/09 - 2009/10 - 2010/1.

- Coordination of the National Working Group "The certification of skills in the first cycle school" 2008/09 - 2009/10.

a.y. 2001 - 2002

University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Bachelor's degree in Psychology - Address "Development and Education"

yy. 2016/2017 - 2017/2018

Two-year specialization diploma in "Evaluation and school improvement"

Academy of Fine Arts "Phidias" (VV)

March - June 2018

Course II level Type A High training

"Team building, creativity and problem solving proposed by the University"


April 2010

"The Technical Leader in the School of the Third Millennium," organized by the national UCIIM

(Catholic Professional Association of Teachers, Managers and Trainers, recognized by MIUR as a qualified subject for the training of school personnel, pursuant to Ministerial Decree 5/7/2005 - prot. 1229), held in Rome at the UCIIM national headquarters. April 2010.

a.y. 2007/2008

University of Perugia

Master's Degree Level I "School Legislation and Negotiation Management."


Licensed to practice as a psychologist


Reconversion Diploma for the visually and hearing impaired in the kindergarten order c/o Ministry of Education


University of Lecce - Faculty of Education

Biennial Specialization Diploma for Teaching and Educational Managerial Personnel in the kindergarten order c/o "Faculty of Magisterium - University of Lecce "


"Multipurpose Rehabilitation Center - La Nostra Famiglia" of Ostuni (BR)

Biennial Specialization Diploma for Teaching and Educational Managerial Personnel of psycho-physical handicapped pupils in the elementary school order


"Scuola Magistrale - Virgo Fidelis" of Trebisacce (CS)

Teaching School Diploma


Socio-Psycho-Pedagogical High School "S. Pio X" of Rossano Calabro (CS)

High School Diploma

- Editorial Committee Uciim Periodical "The School and the Man" ISSN 0036-987X

- Coordinator Nuclei di Valutazione DS - USR Lazio 2017 - 2018

- Coordinator Nuclei di Valutazione DS - USR Abruzzo 2018

- Coordinator Nuclei Esterni di Valutazione (NEV): Puglia, Lombardia, Piemonte (12 School Institutions)

- Invalsi Observer AA.SS. 2012/13 - 2013/14

- Service provided, pursuant to Law No.448/98, in the following school years: 2008/2009 - 29/12/2016

- Teacher-referent for the support core of the province for the development of curricula (Directions for the Curriculum - September 2007) of the C.D. "E. Dandini" - Frascati. A.S.


- Teacher-referent of Network of Schools of the C.D. "E: Dandini" - Frascati - 37th District.

- Teacher-referent Dyslexia - Frascati 1. AA.SS. 2006-07/2007-08

- Instrumental Function Area 1 POF - CD "E. Dandini" Frascati A.S. 2007/2008

- Instrumental Function Area 1 POF - CD "E. Dandini" Frascati. A.S. 2006/2007

- Instrumental Function Area 1 POF - CD "E. Dandini" Frascati. A.S. 2005/2006

- School Board M. Colonna Marino AA.SS. 2003-2004/2004-2205

- Full Member Evaluation Committee M. Colonna Marino A.S. 2003/2004 .

- Objective Function I.C. "Via M. Colonna" - Marino. A.S. 2000/2001

- Objective Function I.C. "Via M. Colonna" - Marino A.S. 1999/2000

- Teacher-referent for the training course: "The Initial Training of School Personnel" c/o "Scuola Media Statale D. Manin" Rome - Dir. Did. Marino II.

- Lecturer-referent "Multimedia Project: processing Project 1a and 1b" for the Educational Technology Development Program - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Teacher-referent IRRSAE Training "Getting to know autonomy" - Dir. Did. Marino I

- Chairman of for elaboration "Joint Elementary-Middle Curriculum: from the logical-linguistic sphere to the discipline "Italian" for the identification of objectives "hinge" I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Teacher Trainer "Blue Boxes Project: continuity group children 5-7 years" - Dir. Did. Marino I.

- Teacher Trainer "Blue Boxes Project: continuity group children 5-7 years" - Dir. Did. Marino II.

- Member "Programming, verification and evaluation in Elementary School" - Dir. Did. Marino II.

- Chairman "Programming, verification and evaluation in the Kindergarten" Dir. Did. Marino II.

- Teacher-referent L. 285/97 Interinstitutional Working Group I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Lecturer-Trainer "Parent Laboratory" for the application of L. 285/97 - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Teacher-Reference "Project S.A.R.A." Self-Assessment Standards of Autonomy Networks in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" / IRRSAE Reg. Lazio - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Teacher-referent "Institute Self-Evaluation Project" in collaboration with University of Roma Tre - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" Marino.

- Nursery School collaborator school year 1996/97 - Dir. Did. Marino II.


University of Studies "N. Cusano" - Telematic University.


a.y. 2016/2017 - 2017/2018

Lecturer of the subject "Didactics and Special Pedagogy" - Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Faculty of Medicine. University of Tor Vergata

a.y. 2018-2019

Speaker - Trainer

- II Gran Sasso International Forum. Educational emergencies in Italy: analysis and strategies. Teramo, June 21, 2019.

- The history and events of the eastern border in the school world. Roccella di Borgia regional seminar, June 10, 2019.

- Promoting Citizenship, Building Community. Toward the Italian Way to Service-Learning. First International Conference on Service Learning. Coordinator Roundtable Supporting and spreading SERVICE-LEARNING. San Micheletto Complex - Lucca, May 6-8, 2019.

- Conference Together at School You Can: The Guidelines for the Right to Study of Pupils Outside the Family of Origin. Florence, April 13, 2019.

- Different and equal. Roundtable discussion Liceo Classico Visconti Rome, April 3, 2019

- Good practices learned at school: reflections on Service Learning. Social Publishing Salon Rome, November 2, 2018.

- Sustainable development and schools. Goal 11 of the 2030 Agenda. Rossano Calabro Scientific High School Auditorium, February 12, 2018.

- For quality education. "Agenda 2030 for sustainable development" conference. Lecce, April 7, 2018.

- A.G.A.P.E. Generative Actions of Welcome for Educational Projects (Project Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Equal Opportunities Department). Training tutors networks of schools: November 2018-February 2019 Lazio, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Puglia, Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Calabria, Marche.

- Bullying and Cyberbullying. Peer education: the strategy of peers for peers. Course for trainers Level I. Rome, March 24-25, 2018.

- The reflective teacher and teaching strategies. Il Mulino conference hall - Corigliano Calabro (CS) February 10, 2018.

- The relevance of Don Milani's teachings in MIUR documents. Uciim Lazio Regional Council. Rome, February 24, 2018.

- Behavior disorders and risk behaviors in developmental age. The management of emotions.. IC "R. Levi Montalcini Partanna, April 21, 2018.

- The end of the Great War and the eastern border: the role of MIUR in dissemination in schools. National seminar. Gorizia, April 12-14, 2018.

- Roundtable discussion "The Dynamo Camp project for health, well-being (SDG3) and inclusion (SDG10) of children with serious illness, the role of quality education (SDG4). Vilfredo Paredo Library. University of Rome Tor Vergata. Faculty of Economics, June 5, 2018.

- CISP Seminar - GET UP AND GOALS! "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the role of schools in the global scenario. Spazio Europa conference room Rome, September 4, 2018.

- Assessment in the I cycle of education. IC RIPI (FR) - Ripi, March 12, 2018

- Summer Camp training workshops for DS. Linking the school's strategic planning and related policy acts (PTOF - PdM). Pescasseroli (AQ) July 25, 2018.

- Festival City of Turin. Regaining the Compass. Agenda 2030 to guide policies, starting with educational ones. Palazzo San Celso Turin, December 1, 2018.

- "National plan for the promotion of the culture of legality" - Training tutor teachers. Castevetrano, December 13-15, 2018.

- The Cycle I State Examination. DM 741/2017, DM 742/2017. Webinar Uciim SEI Via Crescenzio, 25 Rome, April 10, 2018.

- S-L. A pedagogical approach that combines supportive service and learning. ISIS "L. da Vinci" Florence, April 18, 2018.

- The IRC teacher in the changing school: normative, organizational, educational-didactic aspects. Diocese Mazara del Vallo, October 23, 2018.

- Roundtable The National Directions I and II cycle, the Technical and Professional Guidelines and the INVALSI Reference Notebooks: Aula Magna LUMSA Rome, November 27, 2018

- Beyond the Olympiad. Service Learning. Hotel Tirreno Rome, April 10, 2017

- "The appropriateness of the DS assessment process" - DD "Novelli" Monreale (PA) March 24, 2017.

- Speaker Accompanying plan to Legislative Decree 62/2017 - ITIS "L. da Vinci" Parma, 11/23/2017.

- Conference "The New Challenges of the Growing School" - Topic Core Coordinator: The 2030 Agenda. Plan for education for sustainability: equitable and inclusive education. Capo Vaticano (VV),

October 27-28, 2017.

- "The reform scenario of Legislative Decrees L. 107/2015: presentation and highlights. Capo Vaticano (VV), October 27-28, 2017.

- Countering and overcoming bullying. Il Mulino conference hall - Corigliano Calabro (CS) April 24 and August 17, 2017.

- MIUR Guidelines Bullying and Cyberbullying. Pacelli Altamura Auditorium, December 1, 2017.

- The complexity of relational and dialogical dynamics among teachers. IC "Sabatini" Soverato, May 11, 2017.

- Teacher training "The vertical curriculum and educational innovation" - Astronomy Olympiad Cremona, April 4, 2017

- Teacher training "Preventing Cyberbullying" ITIS "Q. Sella" - Biella 09/01/2017

- Teacher training national network Project "Eye on the Web. Countering and preventing bullying and cyberbullying". Milan November 7-8, 2016 / Palermo, November 17-18, 2016 / Rome, December 16-17, 2016.

- Citizenship and the Constitution. Horizon of meaning and educational perspectives for the formation of the person. Uciim Sicilia Regional Congress Poggio San Francesco (PA), November 19, 2016.

- Trainer Course "The Trainer of the Third Millennium. The roads of Inclusion." Training course for teachers and managers. UCIIM. IC Virgilio Rome, September 10-11, 2016.

- "Identity and Memory: the role of the school for a conscious Citizenship" - Round Table Sala S. Benedetto of the Guglielmo II Monumental Complex - Monreale, May 19, 2016.

- "The Vertical Curriculum from Preschool to Secondary School" - SAIt National Conference Rome, May 5, 2016.

- "Problem Solving and Didactics. Computational Thinking in the School of Today and Tomorrow" Round Table Alma Mater University of Bologna. Cesena, April 22, 2016.

- "The enhancement of the Arbereshe language in schools." Catanzaro, March 1, 2016.

- "The trainer of the third millennium: techniques and methods" - Training course for teachers and managers UCIIM Rome, January 3-5, 2016.

- "Toward the Inclusive School. Monitoring to improve" - Conference In memory of Olga. Reggio Calabria, November 23, 2015.

- "The Benefits and Limits of a Peer Education Pathway" - PEER TAKE ACTION Training Seminar - "National Plan for the Enhancement and Promotion of Peer-education and Life Skills for Countering and Combating Bullying" UCIIM - MIUR. Rome, November 19-202015.

- "Guidelines for self-evaluation. From process to self-evaluation report: the PDM." Lectures - Teacher Training Course in Teaching for Astronomy.- Reggio Calabria, March 10-May 28, 2015.

- "The assessment of learning in the school of skills: methods and techniques." Training course for teachers in didactics for Astronomy.- Reggio Calabria, March 10 - May 28, 2015.

- "Dissemination of Yesterday's and Today's Eastern Border Issues in Italian schools of all levels" - Roundtable "The Huns and the Others. Satire and propaganda for the irredent lands 1900-1920." Vienna May 18/19, 2015.

- "The Improvement Plans" - UCIIM online training course "Assessing for Better Education."

- "The launch of the SNV: from self-assessment to improvement. Actors and perspectives" Roundtable with Professional Associations. International Conference "Improving Schools" Naples, May 14/15, 2015.

- "Strategies for Networking" - Training project for teachers and school leaders: "Educating to Legality for a New Citizenship" - UCIIM May 10/11, 2015 Rome.

- "Asymmetry of power: examples of youth discomfort" - Professional training course "Operator at planetariums and astronomical observatories" Organized by the Province of Reggio Calabria. Reggio Calabria, November 25, 2014.

- "Synergies for learning: the challenge of self-assessment" - Professional training course "Operator at planetariums and astronomical observatories" - Reggio Calabria, November 24, 2015

- "Methodology and didactics: the role of planning" - Professional training course "Operator at planetariums and astronomical observatories" Organized by the Province of Reggio Calabria. Reggio Calabria, November 24, 2014.

- "Scientific Competencies and National Directions" - XIX Summer School of Astronomy Stilo, July 21- 26, 2014.

- "Reflections, Emotions, Memories ten years after the establishment of the Day of Remembrance" - Round Table Social Theater - Bergamo, February 11, 2014

- Monitor, evaluator, group facilitator in Seminar "At school, the world!...let's discover it together" Project-Experimentation for Reception and Intercultural Integration. Campora S. Giovanni - Amantea, September 20-22, 2013

- "Targets for competencies at the end of elementary school. Planning by foundational nuclei: Italian and mathematics" - Seminar "Teaching to develop competencies" Vico Equense, April 10-12, 2013.

- "Goals for the development and certification of skills in the first cycle school and connection with the first class of the second cycle"- ISS Contursi March 20 and 21, 2013.

- "The Vertical Curriculum. The conditions for a vertical curriculum: from kindergarten to the first two years of the second cycle"- ISS Contursi March 20 and 21, 2013.

- "The interactive whiteboard in the processes of teaching" - Workshop for teachers and school leaders. IV National Seminar "The Eastern Border and the School World" - Trieste, March 14-16, 2013.

- "Sharing and assessment of the mathematical knowledge, skills and competencies expected at the end of the second two years of non-scientific high schools" - Coordination Working Groups. Vico Equense, December 17-19, 2012.

- "Models of certification of competencies at the end of the first cycle courses" - Seminar "Teaching to develop competencies" - Savigliano November 6/8, 2012.

- "Excellence, assessment and learning standards" Stilo Summer School of Astronomy. Stilo, July 23 - 28, 2012.

- "The Italian Olympiad" - Book Fair 2012 Turin, May 14, 2012.

- Conference "External assessment tests, entry tests and exit tests" - Department of Mathematics "F. Enriques" - Politecnico di Milano. Mathesis.

- "External assessment: problems and perspectives" - University of Milan, March 29, 2012.

- "The teaching of astronomy in the First Cycle" - "Olga - Schiaparelli" Award. SAIT - October 2012 Reggio Calabria.

- "The Culture of Orientation" - National Conference "Toward the Future: the Culture of Choice: paths of orientation" - Lecce, March 23-24, 2012.

- "The Confirmation of Identities. The educational journey and the search for the meaning of history" - School Tourism Festival - Touring Club Italia October 2012 Grado.

- "Educational Travel. Regulations and meanings" - Festival of School Tourism - Touring Club 2011 Benevento.

- "Divergent processes in the creative idea" - University of Reggio Emilia - Reggio Emilia, January 14, 2011.

- "How to educate pupils to solidarity" - Conference "In Solidarity ...Freedom"- Palazzo Marini, November 27, 2011 Rome.

- Regional training seminars "Quality and Merit Project", 2009/10 -2010/11: "The Improvement Plan" in collaboration with ANSAS and INVALSI.

- "Digital didactics in the general organization of education and school autonomy." "Digital Didactics" conference - Fucecchio (FI), May 7, 2010.

- Didamatica 2011 - Informatics for Didactics - Polytechnic University of Turin 2- May 5, 2011 "Problem solving: didactic strategy of cognitive flexibility".

- Didamatica 2010 - Informatica per la didattica - University of Rome Sapienza April 21/23, 2010: "Problem solving experiences in schools of the I cycle of education".

- Didamatica 2009 - Informatica per la didattica - University of Trento April 22 - 24, 2009: "The I cycle Informatics Competitions - Problem Solving Olympiads: genesis development."

- Dates: 12/30/2016

- Employer: MIUR

- Current Position: Technical Manager

aa. ss. 2008/2009 - 2016/2017 (29/12/2016)


Lecturer used - Directorate General for School Regulations and Evaluation of the National Education System.

- Dates: aa. ss. 1987/1988 - 1997/1998

- Employer: MIUR

- Sector: Preschool

- Type of employment: permanent teacher

yy. ss. 1998/1999 - 2007/2008


Primary School

Permanent teacher

- SERVICE LEARNING (or SL). The regions of service learning.

Making School. SEI Guides - Società Editrice Internazionale Torino 2018

ISBN 978-88-88-05-88581-7

- PEER EDUCATION: the strategy of peers for peers.

Making School. The SEI Guides - Società Editrice Internazionale Torino 2018

ISBN 978-88-88-05-88581-7

- Collaboration in the production of the text "IPOTESI UOMO, fundamentals for a new humanism" published by UCIIM - AVE 2015

- "National indications, curriculum, school publishing" in M. Ballarin, The Peace Treaty February 10, 1947 in history curricula and school texts" Ed. Federation of Associations of Istrian, Fiuman and Dalmatian exiles 2014

- Regulatory and educational consulting for the book: S. Maragna, M Roccaforte, E. Tomasuolo "An innovative didactics for the deaf learner" - FrancoAngeli 2013

- "The Culture of the Web" - Annals of Public Education 3-4/2012. "Study method and critical thinking skills. Toward a Nation that Thinks Critically."

- "Moving Toward a Nation that Thinks Critically" Sections 1.6, 2.3.1, 3 part two. Annals of Public Education 3-4/2012. "Study Method and Critical Capacity. Toward a Nation that Thinks Critically.

- "The Study Method and Critical Capacity Project" (Spezzano et. al.) - Annals of Public Education 3-4/2012. "Study Method and Critical Capacity. Toward a Nation that Thinks Critically."

- "The Reasons for the Study Method and Critical Capacity Project" - Annals of Public Education 3-4/2012. "Study Method and Critical Capacity. Toward a Nation that Thinks Critically."

- "Problem Solving in the Teaching of Disciplines" (with Letizia Cinganotto) - Annals of Public Education 4-5/2011 "Computing Competitions in Compulsory Schooling. Problem Solving Olympiads 2008/09-2010/11".

- "Queries, data processing, graphs: inferring information" - Annals of Public Education 4-5/2011 "Computing Competitions in Compulsory Schooling. Problem Solving Olympiad 2008/09-2010/11";

- "The 2010-2011 Regulations. Commentary." - Annals of Public Education 4-5/2011 "Computing Competitions in Compulsory Schooling. Problem Solving Olympiads 2008/09-2010/11";

- "The Avenues of Remembrance: the Histories of Schools" - Studies and Documents of the Annals of Public Education No. 133/2010 "The Events of the Eastern Border and the World of Schools - The Contribution of the Julian-Dalmatians to National History and Culture."

- "Teaching History" - Studies and Documents of the Annals of Public Education No. 133/2010 "The Events of the Eastern Border and the World of Schools."

- "The winning projects: yes, school competes!" - Studies and Documents of the Annals of Public Education No. 130/2010, "Does the school compete...compete? Science and technology: a field of competition 2".

- "Some Experiences of Laboratory Teaching in Secondary Schools" - Studies and Documents of the Annals of Public Education No. 130/2010, "At School Compete ...compete? Science and technology: a field of competition 2".

- "....for Sustainable Development" - Studies and Documents of the Annals of Public Education No. 128-129/2009, The Project "Education Pathways for Sustainability in Preschools and First Grade Schools."

- "The school's point of view: the results of a survey" - Annals of Public Education No. 6/2008, The "Friend Book" Project A.S. 2007/2008.

- "The winners: the added value" - Studies and Papers of the Annals of Public Education No. 122/2008, "Does the school compete...compete? Science and technology: a field of competition."

Printed articles published in newspapers, magazines, online:

- May 23, 1992 - 2019. School and Man. Periodical Number 05/06/2019

ISSN 0036 - 987X

- Why the laboratory in education. The School and the Man. Periodical Number 05/06/2018

ISSN 0036 - 987X

- "Neither rankings nor prizes: assessment from a transformational and improvement perspective."

UCIIM online training course "Assessing for Better Education." January 2016

- "The Improvement Plan" - UCIIM online training course "Evaluate to better Educate". January 2016

- "Educating Responsible Drinking" (with S. Campi) - Graphicus. Designing communication. Online magazine. May 2015.

- "Processes of Creativity" in "NewDesign2012" - Catalog.

- "Moving toward a critically thinking nation: policy-directed research for teacher training."

Poster Poster EIPPEE Conference 2012: Advancing the use of research in education across Europe.

- "Problem Solving in the first cycle school" (G. Casadei, A. Lo Bello, C. Spezzano, A. Teolis) - AICA Magazine;

- "Certifying skills in elementary school" - School Europe magazine 2010;

- "...Conduct! Contexts and meanings, beyond appearances" - New "Gulliver" News, No. 119 March 2010;

- "Assessment: how and why" - New "Gulliver" News, No. 117 January 2010;

- Catalog Coordination "New Design" AA.SS. 2010/ 2011- 2014-2015 Multimedia products, software, other original works:

- Care and direction and realization of: "The Seasons of the Castles in Sagra, from the research on the territory" - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" - Marino.

- Editing and direction and realization of: "Il Calendario Ghiotto", research and thematic interaction between "seasons - food - food education" - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" - Marino.

- Care and direction of "Eco-sustainability: from the differentiated to the differentiatable" - C.D. "E. Dandini" Frascati.

- Research and elaboration of "The Blue Boxes: for interdisciplinary evaluation."

- II national meeting of the Coordinators of the Nuclei di Valutazione Rimini, October 31, 2018

- INVALSI Seminar "From Portfolio to Assessment through interlocution" - Pescara


- PRODIS Seminar - Professionalism of the School Headmaster. Naples, 18 and 19 September 2018

- Residential Seminar "The external evaluation of schools Training for experts in evaluation INVALSI" Rome, 11 - 15 December 2017

- Thematic seminar entitled "The certification in descriptive form of the levels of competence related to INVALSI tests," Rome, June 12, 2018

- PRODIS Seminar - Professionalism of the School Headmaster. Rome, February 20 and 21, 2018

- Training "General Data Protection Regulation" Miur. June 2018

- Training/Information Seminar on school evaluation. Rome 31/01-02/2017

- INVALSI Seminar "The school leader's evaluation process, theories, norms and tools Rome 28/02-01/03/2017

- National meeting of the coordinators of the Evaluation Cores of school principals - Rome

July 27, 2017

- Training in corruption prevention. Webinar for managerial staff

June 21-22, 2017

- II Training Seminar "BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Education, citizenship and social engagement" Milan, November 29, 2016.

- I Training Seminar "BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Education, citizenship and social engagement" Capo Vaticano (V.V.), Sept. 23, 2016.

- Webinar "Project Management" - Order of Psychologists Lazio September - November 2016

- Conference "The inclusive school between problems and resources" by the Order of Psychologists of Lazio. Rome, October 22, 2015

- Conference "Le Istituzioni scolastiche tra Autonomia e Valutazione" Bergamo, March 22-24, 2014.

- "Principles and methodologies for enhancing training proposals" - Course for UCIIM trainers - September 2011.

- Seminar "For a new scientific high school in the 21st century" April 1-2, 2009 Centro congressi Frentani - Rome.

- Training Course for the identification of DSA referent teachers - CSA Rome.

- Training Course: "Actions aimed at the training of teaching staff engaged in multilingual classes for the presence of foreign pupils" - ITIS "G. Galilei" Rome

- Training Course: "Training interventions aimed at professional development for the consolidation of the culture of autonomy with specific reference to the ability to design, organization, self-evaluation of the Institute, in implementation of Directive No. 47/04" - Foundation for the School of the Compagnia di S. Paolo.

- Training Course: "Youth Discomfort: What Prevention in the Age of Development?" at the Frascati School District.

- Training Course: "Comprehensive Institutes: training for the cultural integration of the teaching staff" - INALTO Research Training Consulting Center - Rome.

- Training Course on the application in the school context of the principles of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming): Communication skills. INALTO Research Training Consultancy Center - Rome.

- "MMPI2 and relationships with defense mechanisms" at ASL RM H.

- "Somatic pathology in the psychoanalytic process" at SIPRE (Soc. It. Psychoanalysis of Relation).

- Study days: "Illness in adolescence" at ARPAD ( Ass. Romana Psicoterapia dell'Adolescenza),

- Research, insights, synthesis of the concept of the curriculum as a recursive and stochastic phenomenon in relation to the implementation of the Educational Offer Plan - I.C. "Via M. Colonna" - Marino.

- Research on the relationship between "Social interaction and learning at school" and elaboration of material for the dissemination of teaching methodology that insists on the area of proximal development, peer group and scaffolding.

- Research on "Reading motivation and the pleasure of reading...even before reading"

- Insights and research on DSA (specific learning disorders): dyslexia - dysgraphia - dyscalculia and related standardized test administrations and rehabilitation programs.

- Research on the interaction between cognitive and emotional factors in learning and learning disorders.


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