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Prof. Giulia Maffioli

Roles: Teacher of Psychology - Dean of the Faculty of Psychological Sciences


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences

I graduated with 110/110 from the Faculty of Psychology of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome and specialized with 70 cum laude at the School of Specialization in Clinical and Group Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Siena.

My training has always followed two parallel paths related to my prevailing interests, namely, the first, in the clinical setting, where, most recently, I obtained Level II training in EMDR (Eyes Moviment Desensibilisation and Reprocessing) and, the other, in the field of healthcare management, obtaining several advanced degrees at the Catholic University of Rome " A. Gemelli", Altems School, (High School of Economics and Management of Health Systems), such as: "Economics and Management of Health and Social-Health Integration", "Planning, Organization and Management of Health Companies and Services", "Health policy".

In addition, I have always had a strong interest in training and, as a result of my 30 years as a trainer in various fields, I can consider myself a senior trainer.

Currently, I am a freelancer working as a consultant to public and private companies in the area of personnel management and training particularly in the tourism sector, and I continue my work as a psychotherapist.

Since 2020 I have been president of the National Association of Psychologist Psychotherapists.

I, however, began my professional activity in 1992, as a manager psychologist at the AUSL 7 of Siena, where I held numerous positions including Head of the Adolescent Consultatory of Montepulciano, until I was appointed as Head of the Functional Unit Consultorial Activities of the entire Val di Chiana area. Throughout these years I have, also, carried out numerous activities as a lecturer at refresher courses for health personnel (Health Managers, OTAs, Nurses, Sienasoccorso Staff).

I have also been identified as the person in charge of the "Birth pathway" at the zonal hospital "Nottola" in Val di Chiana and referent of information/training activities: "Birth pathway", "School for parents", "Postpartum depression".

In 2006, I was called on secondment to the Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Health Prevention , where I was appointed by the Director General, as a member of the "Training Core" with tasks of organization, planning, teaching, supervision of training programs of the staff of the Directorate and health of the NHS, functional to achieve the objectives of prevention inherent projects of the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CCM).

In addition, I have had several assignments as an organizer and lecturer of courses aimed at medical staff and officials of the Ministry of Health, on topics such as "Establishment and management of working groups," "Organizing and managing a meeting in health care,"" Working in groups: how to manage working meetings "

I was also identified as a lecturer of the Ministry of Health, in the training course for the staff of the Court of Auditors on " Organizational Wellbeing and intervention programs for the prevention of labor discomfort-Mobbing," Aula delle Sezioni Riunite, held on May 8, 2007.

In 2009, I was called to collaborate with the Si.Ve.A.S. (National System of Verification and Control on Health Care) Office of the General Directorate of Health Planning of the Ministry of Health, where I was appointed as coordinator of a working group, composed of lawyers and economists, with a commitment to verify and monitor health planning activities of 6 Italian regions, subject to Financial Recovery Plan and redevelopment of regional health services.

I was also identified as a member of the working group of the Ministry of Health, related to the national project "National Strategy for Inner Areas"(SNAI) of the Department of Cohesion Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in order to carry out the verification and accompaniment of some regions (Tuscany and Molise) in the drafting and definition of Area strategies and for the evaluation of the regional intervention sheets.

At the same time, I continued to carry out activities in the field of training in management and was appointed Chairman at the 5th International Health Forum-Health at the Conference "The National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CCM) for prevention-Training and documentation activities : tools at the service of health promotion," Rome .

In 2018, I decided to resign from the P.A. to start a different path as a freelancer and experiment in new areas. However, I had until 2020, the assignment from the Presidency Council of Ministers, Technical Committee Inner Areas, as an expert in methods and tools for planning and monitoring of territorial health services , in particular, regarding the maternal and child area.

Recently, As a business consultant and trainer in the field of tourism, I received assignments as responsible for designing, organizing and teaching courses on "The 'reception of the customer" and "The management of objections" aimed at employees and management of the Hotel Modigliani in Rome.2018-2019.

I was also commissioned to conduct a consulting and training intervention for the company "Sala da The Babington S.r.l." in Rome, on personnel management and customer reception,.

I have also always had a passion for the English language which led me to obtain, previously the First Certificate of Cambridge University and, most recently, in 2021, the seventh level at the British School in Rome.

I have good interpersonal skills with a high aptitude for listening and interpreting the requests of the reference interlocutor as well as communicating clearly and precisely. This experience has been acquired, both during my university studies and during the course of clinical practice and training, since communicative activity has a "primary" function in these areas.

In addition, I possess specific technical skills in the design, organization, teaching, monitoring and verification of training courses, skills acquired as part of the activities carried out at the ASL 7 of Siena, at the Ministry of Health (General Directorate of Health Prevention, CCM and General Directorate of Health Planning) and during the course of activities as a private trainer.


Level II training in EMDR (Eyes Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).


Postgraduate Course in "Health policy", Altems School, (High school of economics and management of health systems), Catholic University of Rome " A.Gemelli"


Postgraduate Course in "Planning, Organization and Management of Health Companies and Services," Altems School, (High school of economics and management of health systems), Catholic University of Rome " A.Gemelli"


Postgraduate Course in "Economics and management of health and social-health integration," Altems School, (High school of economics and management of health systems), Catholic University of Rome " A.Gemelli"


Postgraduate School in "Clinical Psychology," Faculty of Medicine, University of Siena


Bachelor's degree in "Psychology," "La Sapienza" University, Rome

-- - Present

Psychotherapist - Freelancer

-- - Present

Consultant at public and private companies in the area of personnel management and training particularly in the tourism sector

2020 - Present

President - National Association of Psychologists Psychotherapist


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