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Prof. Giordano Monzio Compagnoni

Roles: General Manager - Teacher of Historical-Religious Disciplines - Secretary


Academic qualifications

Professional Titles

Professional Experiences


Formerly teaching History of the Ancient and Medieval Church at Italian Theological Institutes and a Visiting Professor in Krakow, he has also taught related disciplines (History of the Modern Church, Introduction to Ecumenism and Latin Paleography/Liturgical Codicology); in academia he has also held the positions of Secretary General and Prefect of the Library-Archives System.

His research and publications are mainly on the History of Latin and Non-Latin Non-Roman Christianities, Medieval Religious Institutions, Hagiography, Liturgical Science and the History of Popular Religiosity, focusing mainly on Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages but with specific insights concerning the Modern Age and the Nineteenth-Nineteenth Century.

He has carried out study missions to Berlin, Munich, Bamberg, Cologne, Málaga, Wittenberg, Halle a/Saale, Erfurt, and Bellinzona, and holds research projects in the areas of Literary Traditions of Early Christianity, Liturgical Musicology, and Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Additional professional interests include Research Methodology, Auxiliary Disciplines of History, Theology and Religious Sciences, Library Science and Codicology.

He has carried out and continues to carry out technical-scientific activities in collaboration with Research Institutions, Academic Institutions and Italian and foreign Cultural Societies and has to his credit a substantial organizational activity concerning conferences and cultural initiatives.

A publicist journalist, he collaborates with journals in the field and, in addition to his expert witness and freelance consulting activities in the field of Cultural Heritage.


Ph.D. in Religious Studies, PFH SUPDI, Zug (in progress)


Certificate Librarian Band 1, no. 4678 (Rome, Ministry of Culture, 2023 - National public qualification of EQF level 8 ex DM MIBACT 244/19, all. 4)


Certificate Archivist Band 1, no. 4678 (Rome, Ministry of Culture, 2023 - National public qualification of EQF level 8 ex DM MIBACT 244/19, all. 3)


Master of Arts / Historische Wissenschaften, PFH "Alessandro Volta," Zug


Master's Degree in Applied Philosophical Sciences, UniCusano, Rome (in progress)


Archiviste-Paléographe - Attestation de comparabilité BTS/DUT (France Éducation International/ENICNARIC France


Attestation de compatibilité BTS/DUT, France Éducation International / ENI-NARIC, France


Diploma in Archivistics, Palaeography and Diplomatics (Milan, State Archives, 1988 - LM05/MSC 11A Degree equivalent to the diploma awarded by the Special School for Archivists and Librarians (SSAB) of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", having the value of Degree V.O. - CUN opinions 06.12.2001 and 23.07.2003)


Enabling Public Administration Electronic Marketplace (MePA) - Rome, Ministry of Economy and Finance /CONSIP, ID 14026645


National List of Cultural Heritage Professionals - Rome, Ministry of Culture - Archivist Band 1, no. 4678


National List of Cultural Heritage Professionals - Rome, Ministry of Culture - Librarian Fascia 1, no. 4678


Certified translator LT<> IT - CCIAA of Milan MonzaBrianza Lodi, no. 1930


Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation (REPRISE) - Rome, Ministry of University and Research


European Commission - Register of Experts No. EX2020D402962


Register of CTUs - Court of Milan - Civil Section, no. 14631


Roll of experts and experts - CCIAA of Milan MonzaBrianza Lodi, no. 1930


Order of Journalists - Publicists list, tess. 83553


Order of Journalists - List of publicists, tess. 83553

2021 - Present

President of the Italian Society for the Protection of Cultural Heritage - Milan Autonomous Delegation

2020 - Present

Contributor to the "Journal of Church History"

2019 - Present

Editor in Chief "Ambrosius"

2006 - Present

President of the Studium Generale Ambrosianum

2001 - Present

Freelance archivist-paleographer

R.N. VASATURO, Vallombrosa, the Abbey and the Congregation. Historical notes, ed. by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Vallombrosa, Edizioni Vallombrosa 1994 (Vallombrosa Archives, 1).

Vallombrosans in Italian society in the 11th and 12th centuries. Proceedings of the I Vallombrosian Colloquium. Vallombrosa, September 3-4, 1993, ed. by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Vallombrosa, Ed. Vallombrosa, 1995 (Vallombrosa Archives, 2).

G.B. MONTINI-PAUL VI, The Octave for Christian Unity. Messages and discourses, Brescia 1998 (Quaderni dell'Istituto Paolo VI).

J.M.R. TILLARD, The Eucharist and the Holy Spirit, Milan 1998 (Riti-Testi e commenti, 4).

The Vallisumbrosæ ordo between the 12th and 13th centuries. Institutional and cultural developments and geographical expansion (1101-1293). Proceedings of the II Vallombrosian Colloquium, Vallombrosa, August 25-28, 1996, ed. by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Vallombrosa, Ed. Vallombrosa, 1999 (Vallombrosian Archives, 3-4).

R. FALSINI, In the liturgical renewal the passage of the Spirit. Essays collected on the occasion of the author's 75th birthday, edited by E. MAZZA and G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Rome, CLV-Edizioni Liturgiche, 2001 (Library "Ephemerides liturgicae" - Subsidia, 111).

Ambrosian Easter Triduum, edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Ancora, 2001ff.

Liturgical Reform and Vatican II: a witness recounts. Rinaldo Falsini in conversation with G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, 2005 (Strade maestre).

"In vice Iohannis primi abbatis. Essays and contributions for the Gualbertian Millennium in honor of Rev. Don Lorenzo Russo on the occasion of the XXV anniversary of his abbey ministry, ed. by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Vallombrosa 2002 [but 2005] (Archivio vallombrosano, 5).

Festiva laus edited by F. FERRARI - C. CARBONI - G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, PIAMS, 2005.

Fluvium aquae vitae. Regional liturgical conferences 1986-2002. Selected essays, edited by E. MARROCCO - G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, 2006.

I praenotanda dei libri liturgici, edited by L.F. CONTI - G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Ancora, 2009.

Saint Ambrose, The Light in the Heart. Catechesis on faith (Explanatio Symboli - De mysteriis - De sacramentis). Introduction, translation and notes edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Ancora, 2013 (Il pozzo).

(With G. VIGHI) H. STEINBACH, The project, Milan, s.n.t., 2013.

Contributions and Articles:

S. John Gualbert and monasticism. Historical overview, in Through the forest regions of Italy, ed. by E. GIORDANO and A. HOFMANN, Vallombrosa, Ed. Vallombrosa, 2000, I, pp. 7-50.

The "Expositio Misse ambrosiane" of Giovanni Bello de Guerciis, in "Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa ambrosiana," n.s. 3 (2001), pp. 73-181.

"Have you listened to Scripture? It is for you." The proclamation of Scripture between prayer and meditation. Biblical-patristic notes, in "Ambrosius," 78 (2002).

The part of music in the "Instaurare omnia in Christo" program. Objectives and contents of the motu proprio "Among the solicitudes," in The Centenary of the Motu Proprio "Among the Solicitudes" of St. Pius X. Sacred Music Yesterday and Today. Proceedings of the XXVII National Congress of the Italian Saint Cecilia Association for Sacred Music, Rome, November 20-23, 2003, Rome 2004 (Quaderni ceciliani, 73), pp. 23-58.

"Like the Great Gregory. Card. Schuster and the project of an institute of music for the liturgy, in "Civiltà ambrosiana," 21 (2004), pp. 288-325.

The foundation of the cura d'anime in San Michele, in The Church of San Michele in Busto Arsizio. Origin and history, ed. by L. BRAMBILLASCA, Busto Arsizio 2006, pp. 13-22.

The church of St. Michael in Busto Arsizio between the Middle Ages and the Tridentine Age. Notes for a rereading of the genesis and development of the parish status, in La chiesa di San Michele in Busto Arsizio. Origin and history, ed. by L. BRAMBILLASCA, Busto Arsizio 2006, pp. 43-119.

Music for the Liturgy. Observations for a frame of reference, in CONGREGATIO DE CULTU DIVINO ET DISCIPLINA SACRAMENTORUM, Musica sacra. A liturgical and pastoral challenge, Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008, pp. 11-82.

Bibliography on the Ambrosian Liturgy (1976-2007), in The Lectionary according to the Rite of the Holy Church of Milan, "Ambrosius," 85 (2009), special issue, pp. 253-307.

The Ancient Ambrosian Eucharistic Prayers for Maundy Thursday and the Easter Vigil. First investigations into structure and content, in The Liturgical Tradition of the Ambrosian Church, "Liturgical Review," 96 (2009), pp. 600-638.

On the Origins of the Higher School of Ambrosian Chant and Sacred Music, in Pius XI and His Time. Proceedings of the conference, Desio, Feb. 4-12, 2012, ed. by F. CAJANI, Besana Brianza, GR, 2012 (I Quaderni della Brianza, 178), pp. 321-376.

The "Archiepiscopal Commission of St. Ambrose for Sacred Music. Looks at the movement for the reform of sacred music in Milan between rigorism and conciliation, 1895-1898, in La musica sacra in Friuli tra Otto e Novecento. Proceedings of the Udine-Gorizia Conferences, November 10/11, 2011; Udine, April 16, 2012, ed. by L.L. DE NARDO, I, Padua, Armelin, 2012 (Manuali, 88), pp. 29-159.

The "school without a teacher". The "Records for the Study of Ambrosian Chant" in the context of the Schusterian revision of books for Milanese liturgical chant, in Sources of Sacred Music. Texts and Recordings, ed. by A. ARGENTINI and L.L. DE NARDO, Lucca, LIM, 2012 (Quaderni del Laboratorio Mirage, 2), pp. 23-76.

"And it was in the stead the poor human sense that clashed with self-created phantoms" (A. Manzoni, I promessi sposi, XXXII). Investigations around a phantom manuscript, in "Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa ambrosiana," XXXI, Milan, Centro Ambrosiano, 2013 (Archivio Ambrosiano, CI), pp. 261-271.

The formula "Pro vobis et pro multis". Notes on the origin and translation considerations, in "Ephemerides Liturgicae" 128 (2014), pp. 48-103.

The Ambrosian santorale in the 15th century, in Angeliche visioni. Veronica da Binasco in Renaissance Milan, ed. by A. Bartolomei Romagnoli - E. Paoli - P. Piatti, Florence, Edizioni del Galluzzo - Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2016 (La mistica cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente, 26), pp. 197-246.

Towards a "Corpus conciliorum Melphitanorum": state of research and prospects for constitution, in Norman Melfi from Conquest to Monarchy. [Proceedings of the II] International Study Conference promoted for the millennium of foundation of the fortified city of Melfi (1018-2018). Melfi, December 2020-February 2021, Bari, Mario Adda, 2021, pp. 305-395.

The Missa in festivitate sancti Bernardi (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 1142): a 14th-century Ambrosian Libellus missae between private devotion and Visconti ecclesiastical politics, in Libellus quasi speculum. Studies offered to Bernard Ardura O. Praem., Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2022 (Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences. Acts and Documents, 66), pp. 273-334.

Publications 2023:

Vallombrosan Benedictines, in Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, The Cardinal Protectors of Religious Orders and Congregations. Tools, sources and methods of research. Proceedings of the Seminar of Studies (November 8, 2022, Institute "Maria Bambina" - Rome, Vatican City, LEV, 2023 (in press)

The Cistercians, in Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, The Cardinal Protectors of Religious Orders and Congregations. Tools, sources and methods of research. Proceedings of the Seminar of Studies (November 8, 2022, Institute "Maria Bambina" - Rome, Vatican City, LEV, 2023 (in press)

Martyrial holiness: first reconnaissance for the elaboration of a model, in Models of holiness and canonizations 40 years after the Apostolic Constitution Divinus perfectionis Magister (1983 - 2023). Proceedings of the Conference (Vatican City, November 9-11, 2022, Pontifical Lateran University), Vatican City, LEV, 2023 (in press)

Bibliographical files, in "Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia," 77 (2023), pp. - passim (fasc. 1 - in press).

Publications 2022:

The Missa in festivitate sancti Bernardi (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 1142): a 14th-century Ambrosian Libellus missae between private devotion and Visconti ecclesiastical policy, in Libellus quasi speculum. Studies offered to Bernard Ardura O. Praem., Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, pp. 273-334

"Ambrosius. Analytical indexes 1925-2000, in collaboration with P. Sartor (in preparation).

Antiphonale Missarum Ambrosianum ad fidem codicum, I: Mystery of the Incarnation, München-Ravensburg, GRIN (in preparation)

Bibliographical files, in "Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia," 76 (2022), pp. 237-342 passim (fasc.1)

The Council of Melfi of 1284 (Magisterarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades "Master of Arts" (M.A.), Private Fernhochschule "Alessandro Volta" Zug, Philosophische und Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Studiengang Historische Wissenschaften - A.a. 2021/2022)

Publications 2021:

Towards a "Corpus conciliorum Melphitanorum": state of research and prospects for constitution, in Norman Melfi from Conquest to Monarchy. [Proceedings of the II] International Study Conference promoted for the millennium of foundation of the fortified city of Melfi (1018-2018). Melfi, December 2020-February 2021, Bari, Mario Adda, 2021, pp. 305-395

Bibliographical files, in "Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia," 75 (2021), pp. 239-352 passim (fasc.1)

Bibliographical sheets, in "Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia," 75 (2021), pp. 617-716 (fasc. 2)

Afterword, in "Of Much Devotion of the People. The history of the Virgin of Constantinople in Pietracatella: art and popular piety, ed. by M. Pasquale, Pietracatella (CB), Faioli, 2021, pp. 75-76

2020 Publications:

Contribution to Lexicon of Church History, ed. by B. Ardura, Vatican City, Lateran University Press, 2020

Beruf. For a new reconnaissance of Antonio Vivaldi's biographical and curricular realia, in "Tu es sacerdos in aeternum!" Proceedings of the Study Day on the occasion of the III Settimana Vivaldiana Nazionale (Milan, May 14, 2019), Vigevano, Musicorner, 2020) (in preparation)

Publications 2019:

The santorale: formation and structure. The case of the Ambrosian rite, in Models and Practices of Holiness between Moscow and Rome. Proceedings of the Vatican-Russian Federation Bilateral Symposium, Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana (in press)

Reading liturgical-musical manuscripts today. Stories of civilization, stories of faith, in "Communicating the Sacred."

Tools for reading and communicating art in the Christian tradition on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis' encounter with the Sultan of Egypt. Proceedings of the Study Days (Milan, November 12 and 18, 2019), Milan, ITL (in press)

Publications 2018:

Epistolarium ambrosianum (Tesserete, Parish Archives, codex 1). Descriptive card and edition edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVIO, Ambrosian Liturgical Manuscripts. Catalog of photographic reproductions, II: Partial reproductions, edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

Publications 2017:

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVE, Publishing House "Musica sacra". Inventory, I: Editorial Archives. Fact sheets by M. ANDREETTA - L. TOLAZZI. Coordination by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - BIBLIOTECA, Marzotto Caotorta Donation. Catalog. Outlines by M. ANDREETTA - L. TOLAZZI. Coordination by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - BIBLIOTECA, Felice Milani Donation. Catalog. Sheets by M. ANDREETTA - L. TOLAZZI. Coordination by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

Publications 2016:

The Ambrosian santorale in the fifteenth century, in Angeliche visioni. Veronica da Binasco in Renaissance Milan, ed. by A. Bartolomei Romagnoli - E. Paoli - P. Piatti, Florence, Edizioni del Galluzzo - Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2016 (La mistica cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente, 26), pp. 197-246

Publications 2015:

The Ambrosian Psalter and the Δ recension: projects, institutions, notes for study, in Ansperto da Biassono archbishop, Cesano Boscone, Silvana Editoriale, 2015 (in press)

Introductory note, in Gaudeat. Preconio pasquale romano, Milan, PIAMS, 2015 (in press)

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVE, Scuola Superiore di Canto Ambrosiano edi Musica sacra (SSCAMS). Archives. Summary inventory edited by A. CEREDA. Revision by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVE, Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano di Musica sacra (PIAMS). Archives. Summary inventory edited by A. CEREDA. Revision by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVIO, Archivi aggregati [...]. Inventories edited by A. CEREDA. Revision by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVIO, Francesco Fossati, Transcriptions and harmonizations. Inventory edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI - G. SALIS (2 vols.: I: Topographical; II: Systematic), pro manuscripto

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO AMBROSIANO DI MUSICA SACRA - ARCHIVIO, Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Caglio. Miscellany. Summary inventory edited by A. CEREDA. Revision by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, pro manuscripto.

2014 Publications:

The formula "Pro vobis et pro multis". Notes on the origin and translation considerations, in "Ephemerides Liturgicae" 128 (2014), pp. 48-103

2013 Publications:

Psalterium ambrosianum. Recensio Symeonis monachi nuncupata (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Hamilton Sammlung, 552). Editio diplomatica, Mediolani, PIAMS, 2013

Saint Ambrose, The Light in the Heart. Catechesis on Faith (Explanatio Symboli - De mysteriis - De sacramentis). Introduction, translation and notes edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Ancora, 2013 (The Well)

At the origins of the mimesis of holy places in the West: the liturgical theology of the patristic and early medieval ages, in As in Jerusalem. Evocations, reproductions, imitations of holy places between the Middle Ages and the modern age. Proceedings of the XV Seminar of Studies of the International Study Center "The Jerusalem of San Vivaldo" (Montaione, June 30-July 2, 2011), Tavarnuzze, SISMEL, 2013, pp. 61-120

"And it was in the stead of poor human sense that clashed with self-created phantoms" (A. Manzoni, I promessi sposi, XXXII). Investigations around a phantom manuscript, in "Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa ambrosiana," XXXI, Milan, Centro Ambrosiano, 2013 (Archivio Ambrosiano, CI), pp. 261-271

"New Things and Old Things. The liturgy 50 years after the council (LXIV National Liturgical Week), in "Rivista di pastorale liturgica," 51 (2013), fasc. 5, pp. 83-88

Introductory note, in Ambrosius. First Vespers of the Solemnity, Milan, PIAMS, 2013, pp. I-II.

(with G. VIGHI) H. STEINBACH, The Project, Milan, 2013.

Publications 2012:

At the Origins of the Higher School of Ambrosian Chant and Sacred Music, in Pius XI and His Time. Proceedings of the conference, Desio, February 4-12, 2012, ed. by F. CAJANI, Besana Brianza, GR, 2012 (I Quaderni della Brianza, 178), pp. 321-376

The "Archiepiscopal Commission of St. Ambrose for Sacred Music". Looks at the movement for the reform of sacred music in Milan between rigorism and conciliation, 1895-1898, in La musica sacra in Friuli tra Otto e Novecento. Proceedings of the Udine-Gorizia Conferences, November 10/11, 2011; Udine, April 16, 2012, ed. by L.L. DE NARDO, I, Padua, Armelin, 2012 (Manuali, 88), pp. 29-159

Introductory note, in Exsultet. Ambrosian Easter Preconio, Milan, PIAMS, 2012, pp. III-V

Introductory note, in Symbolum. Profession of Faith, Milan, PIAMS, 2012, pp. 3-7

The "school without a teacher". The "Records for the Study of Ambrosian Chant" in the context of the Schusterian revision of books for Milanese liturgical chant, in Sources of Sacred Music. Texts and Recordings, ed. by A. ARGENTINI and L.L. DE NARDO, Lucca, LIM, 2012 (Quaderni del Laboratorio Mirage, 2), pp. 23-76

2011 Publications:

AMBROSE OF MILAN, "Only the Invisible Is Seen Well. Short Catechesis on Christian Initiation (De mysteriis), edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Studium Generale Ambrosianum, 2011

Evangeliary for the Sundays, solemnities and feasts of the liturgical year according to the Roman Rite, edited by G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI, Milan, Ancora, 2011

Publications 2010:

Records for the Study of Ambrosian Chant. Ambrosian Choir of the Higher School of Ambrosian Chant and Sacred Music, dir. M° Marziano Perosi. Preservation and documentary restoration promoted by the Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano di Musica Sacra with the coordination of G. MONZIO COMPAGNONI and G.L. RUSCONI, Milan, PIAMS, 2010 (PSA0003CD)

The Antiphonary Bedero Valtravaglia ssp B. Descriptive card, Milan, PIAMS, 2010

The Carolinian Psalter of 1574, Milan, PIAMS, 2010

The Psalterium quadrupartitum Salomonis III (Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc. Bibl. 44). Descriptive card, Milan, PIAMS, 2010

Music for the Liturgy: Observations for a Frame of Reference, in CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP AND THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, Musica Sacra. Music at Mass, a Liturgical and Pastoral Challenge.

Papers from the Second Study Day on the Anniverary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, Vatican City, December 5, 2005, Ed. M.J. Miller, San Francisco 2010, pp. -.


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