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Prof. Marco Isernia

Roles: Teacher of Electronic Engineering - Member of the Quality Committee

Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences


Master Degree in Electronic Engineering (5 years, mark 108/110). Original paper on “Thermodynamic of Irreversible Process applied to Lasers Physics “, with Prof. B.H. Lavenda – Università di Napoli “Federico II” – Facoltà di Ingegneria –


Maturità Classica ( Mark 54/60) – (5 years – Liceo Classico – High School focused on Literature, Ancient Languages, Historic, Philosophy matters) – Liceo Ginnasio G.B. Vico – Napoli

2008 – Now

General Manager & Shareholder – DESA S.r.l. – Aerospace Design Engineering

1984 – 2008

CEO & Main Shareholder – SCE S.r.l., Naples, Italy – Electronics

1982 – 1984

Chief Test Engineer – Manager of a group of engineers and technicians (10) – “Electronic Test Engineering” Chief – Ing. C. Olivetti & C. S.p.A., Pozzuoli (Napoli) Manufacturing Plant

1979 – 1982

Digital Electronics Designer – Young Member of Team that has designed the First Electronic Typewriter in the world – Ing. C. Olivetti & C. S.p.A., Design Center in Ivrea (TO)


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