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Prof. Andrea Leonardi

Roles: Teacher of GRC and ISO Management Systems


Professional Experiences

1984 - 1992

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration

L. Bocconi" Commercial University - Milan

1979 -1984

Diploma in Accounting

Accounting (administrative major)

I.T.C "L. Einaudi" - Alba (Cuneo)

Present - April 2014

Managing Partner and Sole Director

Alpemi Consulting srls

Present - January 2011

Vice President and Board Member

Minerva Group Service cooperative consortium joint stock company

Present - January 2023


MGS Mediapress srl

Present - January 2009

Consultant, Trainer, Speaker

Cispel Lombardy Services Srl

March 2014 - April 2002

Consultant, Trainer and Auditor


March 2002 - April 1999

Deputy General Manager

Contractual classification: executive.

March 1999 - June 1997

Assistant General Manager, Privacy Manager and Quality Management Manager.


May 1997 - May 1994

HR Assistant to Plant Management


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