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Prof. Gino Carignani

Roles: Teacher of Mathematics


Academic qualifications

Professional Titles

Professional Experiences


Always passionate about mathematics and music, and seeing one as a different expression of the other, Gino Carignani has dedicated his life to both. At the age of 22 he joined several orchestral and chamber music ensembles. Since the age of 35 he has been devoted to passionate teaching of mathematics in both public and private institutions.

He has authored works in the application of mathematical methodologies and the teaching of modern mathematics.


Bachelor's degree in mathematics (L303), University of Pisa


Diploma in Cello, Istituto Pareggiato Luigi Boccherini of Lucca

2017 - Present

Ministry of Education - Headmaster IC Ungaretti Lucca

2013 - 2015

School Headmaster IC Camporgiano Lucca

1992 - 2013

Secondary School Mathematics Teacher

1979 - 2005

Member of various Orchestral and Chamber Ensembles

1990 - 2017

Member of training groups in Mathematics

2007 - 2010

Supervisor at SSIS of Pisa for Mathematics

BARTOLINI G.1 PREVOST G., MESSERI C., CARIGNANI G. 1995. Olive germplasm: world's collections. Olea, 23: 26

BARTOLINI G., PREVOST G., MESSERI C., CARIGNANI G. 1997. Olive germplasm: cultivars and world-wide collections. July 1997, Internet (FAO website):

BARTOLINI G., PREVOST G., MESSERI C., CARIGNANI G. 1997. Olive germplasm: cultivars and world-wide collections. Third International "Symposium on Olive Growing1′. Olea,24: 105

BARTOLINI G., PREVOST G., MESSERI C., CARIGNANI G. 1998. A solution to the problem of synonymy. Proceedings IV National Conference "Biodiversity. local germplasm and its enhancement". September 8-11.

GINO CARIGNANI: "For an emotional education in Mathematics" in Role and Functions of Mathematics at School Edited by D'Amore, Aschieri, Pesci, Proceedings of National Conference No. 8 on Mathematics and Difficulties, Pitagora Editrice Bologna 1999.

GINO CARIGNANI: "Teaching and Assessment: teachers assess themselves" in Observing, assessing, guiding pupils in difficulty Edited by Paola Bruno Longo, Adriana Davoli, Patrizia Sandri, Proceedings of national conference no.11-12 on Mathematics and difficulties, Pitagora Editrice Bologna 2003.


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