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Prof. Antonella Mancaniello

Roles: Teacher of Special Pedagogy


Academic qualifications

Antonella Mancaniello is a School Principal and Adjunct Lecturer Tor Vergata University (H 39) in Teaching and Special Pedagogy.

She received: the Degree in Pedagogy with Psychological focus, grade of 110 /110, from University of Florence - Faculty of Education, Title of thesis: "Adolescent discomfort, corporeity and socialization: the role of sports. Investigation in the middle school in Prato," Florence, July 4, 1996, and the Degree in Physical Education (former ISEF - Law No. 136 of 2002), c/o ISEF of Florence, Thesis on "The Profiling 2 Psycho-pedagogical for Childbirth Preparation with R.A.T. Method," With a grade of 110/110, Florence July 23, 1980.

National University Master's Degree Level II for the Management of School Institutions (MUNDIS), 110 with honors/110 - University of Florence, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Florence, with thesis on "The School Headmaster between corporatization and relations with the territory. Competencies for a shared design of higher education: IFTS and ITS," a/a 2008-09, Florence, Dec. 12, 2009

Level I Master's Degree 60 cfu in "Didactics and Psychopedagogy for Specific Learning Disorders" - University of Rome 3, Thesis on "The psychopedagogical competencies for a shared design to the use of digital technologies in the training of students with Specific Learning Disorders," Rome March 4, 2013.

Master's degree in Sport Management, ISEF of Florence - CONI Regional of Tuscany - EASM (European Association Sport Management), Florence, Nov. 16, 1998

Subject Tutor (R.D. June 4, 1938 n. 1269) General Pedagogy, qualification awarded by University Roma 2 "Tor Vergata", Rome, from October 13, 2014 to 2018

"Psychology of Security" workshop with Prof. Anna Maria Giannini - University of Rome "la Sapienza", Faculty of Psychology 2, a/a 2010-11

Multipurpose Orthophrenic Specialization - Biennial course with passing final exam, with thesis on "The little evil: psycho-pedagogical approach in the school" vote 30/30, c/o Istituto Pendola di Siena, Siena, 1992

Advanced training in school leadership - University of Florence - Faculty of Educational Sciences, Florence, 2001

Master's degree in "Design and evaluation of educational processes" - University of Florence

- Faculty of educational sciences, Florence, 1998

Postgraduate training in Kinesiology - University of Medicine of Chieti, School of Specialization in Sports Medicine, Chieti, 1991


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