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Prof. Paola Zanellati

Roles: Teacher of Privacy and Personal Data Protection - Member of the Quality Committee


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences



Courses Currently Held:

ID 132 and 1 – privacy management title – 20 hours

ID 64 and 1 – drafting of the privacy organizational model – 8 hours

ID 93 and 1 – protection of privacy and special data – 16 hours

ID 57 and 2 – privacy management and information protection – 16 hours

ID 87 ed 1 – GDPR course: code for the protection of privacy – 16 hours

ID 88 ed 1 – GDPR course: data security – biometrics and internet – 40 hours

ID 214127 – GDPR privacy project for CHC Torino Srl – 26 hours

ID 1905015 – business process system and privacy protection – 25 hours

ID 1905026 – management of privacy processes and risk analysis – 23 hours

ID 1906865 – improvement of business processes and privacy – 26 hours

17/11/2021- GDPR – personnel management – remote checks of workers – 3 hours

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Sciences with a major in Human Resource Management, PFH “Alessandro Volta”, Zug, Switzerland

2018 – Currently

Freelance Consultant and GDPR Training – Data Protection – Data Protection Officer (DPO) in private companies in the hotel, healthcare and multiservice sectors:

Data Protection Officer (RPD) at the Piedmontese Alpine Speleological Rescue

Privacy Officer – Registered in Reg. N. CDP_412 TUV ITALIA srl


Drafting of Company Regulations

Drafting of Company Policy for electronic tools

2008 – 2018

Personnel Administration – Privacy Consultancy – CM SERVICE S.r.l., Rivoli (TO) – Labor Consultancy Firm:

Payroll and Contribution Management

Placement – Declarations 770 – CU forms – Inail self-assessments

Privacy Law – Dismissals and Trade Union Bargaining

2007 – 2008

Personnel Administration – Labor Consultancy – INDUSTRIAL UNION OF TURIN – Business Association:

Payroll and Contribution Management

Placement – Declarations 770 – CU forms – Inail self-assessments

1998 – 2007

Human Resources Manager & Internal Privacy Manager – CONSORZIO ICS – IMPRESE COOPERATIVE SOCIALI, Turin:

Payroll and Contribution Management – Social Cooperative Regulations

Placement – Declarations 770 – CU forms – Inail self-assessments

Drafting of the LSU Project with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies

Agreements with the Regione Piemonte for the Employment of Workers belonging to Law 381/91

1991 – 1998

Personnel Administration – Labor consultancy – STUDIO ALTOVINO, Turin:

Payroll and Contribution Management

Placement – Declarations 770 – CU forms – Inail self-assessments

Course in programmer analyst and information systems

TUV ITALIA srl “Privacy officer” certification

Rspp certification (module a, module b, module c)

Federprivacy master “privacy officer” 48th edition rome

Short Master in Gdpr and Personnel Management

Knowledge of payroll programs inaz – cl system – hr sap

Drafting of the Socially Useful Works Project (LSU) – Ministry of Labor and Social Policies – Third Sector Forum;

Stipulates agreements with the Regione Piemonte for the employment of disadvantaged workers belonging to Law 381/91;

Contracts for the transfer of the employment relationship pursuant – art. 2112 of the Italian Civil Code.

Dismissal agreements and consensual termination

Digital agenda – Cybersecurity360

December 20, 2019 – SMS marketing and GDPR: rules and practical advice for the correct processing of personal data

February 7, 2020 – Assessment and prevention of privacy risk: obligations between GDPR and legislative decree 231/2001

March 31, 2020 – Online contacts in e-commerce activities: rules and obligations for compliance with the gdpr

April 2, 2020 – The GDPR in insurance agencies: rules for the collection and processing of data

May 6, 2020 – Privacy compliance for emergency management and resumption of work: guidelines

June 26, 2020 – IoT and GDPR: how to reconcile innovation with data security

January 13, 2021 – GDPR and Brexit: what changes for data transfer with the UK leaving the EU

April 12, 2021 – Video surveillance cameras: accountability rules and data minimization.

June 25, 2021 – Biometric data and Privacy, this is how they should be treated in the workplace

December 30, 2021 – APP and GDPR all the legal aspects to be considered in data processing


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