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Prof. Giuseppe Desideri

Roles: Teacher of International Relations


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences

From a legal and pedagogical background, he holds degrees in Law, Science of the educational professions and, both with honors, in Pedagogical Sciences and Science of Public Administration. He holds Level I and II master's degrees and is an expert in technological education. He came from the position of elementary school teacher, then school manager, attention to issues of educational poverty is accompanied by commitment in professional and social associations; that, as a journalist, to the ethics of information and communication and the legal passion also with the experience forensics. President of the Italian Association of Catholic Teachers confirmed for three terms from 2010 to January 2023, he is currently secretary general of the Organization World UMEC-WUCT.

He is a member of the Boards of Directors of the Casa dello Scugnizzo Foundation, the cooperative ECOGESES and president of the ETS San Giuseppe Foundation. He is currently director of the newspapers "Il Maestro," "Notes," "," and "" Adjunct professor and lecturer in pedagogical and legal subjects in various universities Italian is editor of editorial series and has to his credit a significant production publications with more than one hundred articles in national newspapers.

Editor of eight anthologies of contemporary poets, he is the author of "La bella scuola" (preface by Prof. Luigi Berlinguer) and co-author of the books, "Educational management," "Apprendi-menti: Learning minds," "The learning school: ledership and learning organization," "The organized school," "Autism, for a systemic vision."

A member for 13 years of the National School, Education and University Council of the Italian Episcopal Conference, he was national coordinator of FONADDS (Forum National Forum of Associations of School Teachers and Managers) established by the MIUR with DM n.189/2018. Among other significant experiences: member, (2007), of the Commission of the Ministry of Education for the raising of compulsory education; Researcher and process evaluation manager c/o the research organization IISPA Istituto Italiano di Studi on Environmental Policies; Component (2017) Joint Coordination Group for the development and testing of tools for the evaluation of managers school leaders of peer schools - promoted by INVALSI in collaboration with CODIRES

- Experimentation project for the evaluation of Educational Coordinators of schools public peer schools within the framework of the PRODIS Project (Project Code 10.1.1°-FSEPONINVALSI-2016-1); member (2015) scientific committee for design and evaluation "IO SONO QUÌ" project on the theme of legality promoted by the Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence within the framework of the Action Plan for Youth Security and Legality (PAG) of the Ministry of the Interior.

He has to his credit numerous multimedia directions, is co-author of television documentaries and author of theatrical texts.

Master's Degree in "Science of Public Administration" from the University of the Studies Federico II of Naples with the grade of 110 cum laude on 24/03/2022

Master's Degree in "Pedagogical Sciences" obtained at the University of Naples Pegaso Studies with a grade of 110 cum laude on 07/27/2015

Licenciado en derecho (degree homologation), Universitat Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona (Spain) 2015

Single-cycle master's degree in "Jurisprudence" obtained at the University of Pegaso Studies of Naples - with the grade of 97/110 on 30/11/2010

Degree in "Science of educational professions" obtained at the University of ChietiPescara with the vote of 106/110 on 26/11/2008

Master of II level in "Governance and Leadership of Educational Institutions" achieved at Pegaso University of Naples with a grade of 30/30.

Level I Master in "Pedagogical Sciences" achieved at the Pegaso University of Naples with the grade of 30/30.

Diploma of Maturità magistrale attained at the Ist. Mag. Stat. "E.P.Fonseca" of Naples with the grade of 60/60.

License in theory and solfeggio obtained at the Conservatory "S. Pietro a Majella."

On secondment for study and research activities at the Italian Association of Catholic Teachers. [from 01/09/1998 to 31/08/2020 and from 01/09/2022 to present - ongoing].

Researcher and process evaluation manager at the Italian Institute for Policy Studies.

Environment (IISPA) - Research Organization [since 2014 - ongoing].

Head teacher at I.C. Fossalta di Portogruaro (VE) [from 01/09/2020 to 12/10/2022].

Permanent state elementary school teacher [from 01/09/1991 to 31/08/2020].

Qualified to teach in the Nursery School (competition announced by the Provveditorate of Naples).

Qualified to teach in the Elementary School (competition announced by the Provveditorate of Naples).

Title differentiated teaching method Agazzi Winner of the Competition for examinations and qualifications for teaching in the Nursery School (competition announced by the Provveditorate of Naples).

Winner of the Competition for Examinations and Qualifications for Teaching in the Elementary School (competition announced by the Provveditorate of Naples)


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