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Prof. Giorgio Labella

Roles: Teacher in Criminology


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences

Professional with several years of experience in the field of Criminology.

He has a solid background in managing professional teams to achieve and exceed set goals. In 2014, he established, together with the Deputy Director of Rebibbia N.C. Prison, Dr. Ida Passaretti, the "Volunteer Criminologists Group," of which he was the Coordinator, to provide intramurary support to inmates.

He constantly pursues excellence in the field of work through great energy and ability to focus.

He offers technical expertise, flexibility and maximum availability.

On January 25, 1991 he was appointed, "motu proprio" (Art. 2 of the Statute of the Order of Merit) by the President of the Republic "Officer" O.M.R.I.

Since 2018 he has been a Member of the National Association of Criminologists and Criminalists (A.N.C.R.I.M.).

In 2019, he was a Founding Member and Board Member of the National Association of Criminologists and Forensic Analysts (A.N.C.A.F.).

Since 2019, he has been a Member of the Italian Group of the "Societé Internationale de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre," based in Brussels, Belgium.

Since 2023 he has been an Adherent as a founder of the "O.M.R.I. Insigniti Foundation," of which Cav. di Gran Croce, Prefect Francesco Tagliente is its President.


Master's Degree | Behavioral and Cognitive Applied Psychology

"Giustino Fortunato" University, Benevento


Certification ex D.M. 616/2017 | Habilitation to teaching (24 CFU)

"Giustino Fortunato" University, Benevento


Master of II level | Forensic Science

"Guglielmo Marconi" University, Rome


Master's degree | Jurisprudence

"Giustino Fortunato" University, Benevento


I Level Master | Advanced Legal Studies

University "Giustino Fortunato", Benevento


Master of II level | Criminological Sciences

University "Guglielmo Marconi," Rome


Master's Degree | Political Science

"Guglielmo Marconi" University, Rome


Bachelor's Degree | Political Science and International Relations

"Guglielmo Marconi" University, Rome


Master's Degree | Business Sciences

Private-Polytechnic University of Business Studies, Lugano


February 2023 - Current

Trainee - Psychology Unit - Legion Command Carabinieri Lazio - Caserma "Podgora" | Rome

- Professionalizing internship before the state exams and enrollment in the Register of Psychologists.

January 2020 - Current

Honorary Expert Judge - Court of Supervision | Rome

- Member of the Judicial Panel

January 2019 - Current

Lecturer in Criminology - Free University Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) | Rome

- Level II Master's degree in Criminology and Legal Psychology

January 2017 - Current

Lecturer - School of Prison Administration.

"Giovanni Falcone" | Rome

- Elements of Criminology and Inmate Population Analysis, to the Technical Officer Courses; Allievi Vice Inspectors; Allievi Vice Superintendents; Prison Police Cadets.

May 2020 - July 2020

Clinical Criminologist (Expert ex art. 80 O.P.) Ministry of Justice - Rebibbia Prison New Complex | Rome

January 2020 - June 2020

Lecturer in Criminology - Scuola Allievi Carabinieri | Rome

October 2019 - December 2019

Clinical Criminologist (Expert ex art. 80 O.P.) Ministry of Justice - Casa Circondariale di Cassino | Cassino (FR)

January 2019 - June 2019

Full member - Decree of the Director General of the Training of the Ministry of Justice - D.A.P. | Rome

- Final Commission of the Competition for Trainee Deputy Inspectors of the Penitentiary Police

January 1981 - July 2010

Parliamentary Secretary - Chamber of Deputies | Rome

- Winner of open competition was assigned to the Parliamentary Committees Service, the Defense Committee and the Coordination of the Bulletin of the Parliamentary Jurisprudence and Committees

January 2018 - January 2018

Lecturer in Criminology - Rebibbia Prison House | Rome

- Lecturer, to prison police personnel and staff internal

January 2011 - January 2012

Civil Mediator - Mediation Chamber "Pronti a Conciliare" | Rome

- Holds the Certificate of Civil Mediator, obtained

in 2011, issued by CESD - eCAMPUS, having attended with profit the Course for Civil Mediators. He has been registered with the Mediation Chamber "Ready to Conciliate".

January 2005 - January 2010

Contributor - Magazine "Leggere: tutti" - Agra Editrice | Rome

- He has collaborated with the magazine "Leggere: tutti" with numerous articles and insights


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