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Dr. Lauro Cima

Roles: Freelance Lecturer

Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences


Bachelor's degree in business administration from Unicampus Hetg, Geneva

I have been practicing as a tax lawyer continuously since 1989 and I personally deal with all accounting and tax issues following individuals, businesses, artisans, traders, and freelancers. I follow with particular verticalization the counseling of entertainment workers, whether they are artists and/or principals. During my career I have personally assisted, as a tax lawyer, thousands of workers and companies by advising them and supporting them in their profession. I have consulted for the most well-known venues in Versilia, Tuscany and even outside the region. I have assisted in drafting contracts and agreements between artists and principals, discos, dance halls, record companies and impresarios. Owning my own firm, I lead a staff of qualified professionals in the field of taxation. I hold the position of Sole Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Member of the Board of Directors of Companies operating in real estate, agriculture, entertainment, tourism


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