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Prof. Alessandro Urbani


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences

Philosophy Doctror of Osteopathy Ph.D. (Honolulu University - 2017)

- Cranial Nerve Manipulation Course (J. P. Barral Institute) - 2016

- Osteopathic expert witness at the Court of Rome (Italian expert witness registry) - 2015

- Master's degree in Clinical Posturology and Osteopathy (Tor Vergata University - Rome) - 2014

- Doctor of Osteopathic Science (John Loke University USA) - 2014

- Course in Visceral Manipulation (J.P. Barral Institute) - 2013

- Four-year advanced diploma in Osteopathy and Manual Therapies

(A.I.L.C.C.O.) - 2009

- Two-year Diploma Holistic Posturologist Technician C.E.S.I.S. (S.I.N.A.P.E.) - 2007.

- Bachelor's Degree in Physiokinesitherapy - (P. University of Caserta) - 1998

- Scientific Maturity - (Seraphicum Institute) - 1994

From October 2022:

- Altermedica Brașov (Romania).

Rehabilitation health center - technical director

From April 2021:

- Salud Integrativa - Barcelona (Spain)

Clinical Posturologist and Osteopath

From May 2020:

- Society of Clinical Postutology - Brașov (Romania)


From April 2019:

- Physio Sport Therapy Academy (Romania)

Lecturer and head Master in Posturology

From March 2019:

- Deschidem Inimi Center - Pitești (Romania)

Neurological Osteopath

From April 2015:

- Catholic University Of Rome (Policlinico Gemelli).

Collaborating Lecturer in the course "Aids for Mobility" Prof. Ferrantelli

Since January 2013:

- Altermedica Studio (Rome).

Center Manager

Posturologist - Osteopath - Spec. Functional Rehabilitation

From January 2015 to December 2019:

- Essentis Center (Barcelona - Spain)


From January 2014 to December 2019:

- Dr.Tresserra Dental Clinic ( Barcelona - Spain )

Posturologist - Osteopath

From October 2009 to December 2012:

- Kinelab Center Eur

Center manager and technical direction

Posturologist - Osteopath - Personal Trainer

In 2009-2010:

- Technogym S.p.A.

Collaborated on the ARKE functional strength product development program.

June 2000 to December 2009:

Worked as Therapist and Posturologist in the following Centers:

- Chinesis Medical Studio of Dr. Gianluca Fratoni

- Holistic Studio of Dr. Daniele Puzzilli

1999 to 2007:

Worked as Personal Trainer and Athletic Trainer in the following Centers:

Dima Wellness Eur Center; All Round Sports Center;

Gloemy Gym; Circolo Laurentino Sporting Club;

Circolo Eur Ferratella; Circolo Eur Sporting Club.


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